
For real this time...

Once again we're back to the point where I tell you I'm TERRIBLE at keeping a journal, a blog, writing letters, etc. And as you can tell, it's 100% true. I mean, I've had this blog for over 2 years and have only had 2 posts. So one a year...I don't think that's a good thing.

BUUUUT...now I have a baby (yes, a lot has happened in the past two years!) and I'm way more focused on the importance of keeping records. So I'm thinking that maybe third time's a charm with this blog thing. Here's to hoping.
My little Lydia. Isn't she perfect?!
Here's a sticky recipe for ya! It's my adaptation of this recipe for some super yummy Hawaiian meatballs. However, as I started making it, I realized I didn't have any canned pineapple OR distilled white vinegar -- two very key ingredients. Since I had already started prepping and had no backup plan, I had to move forward. Now that's a sticky situation! I had to get creative. In place of the pineapple I used a 15 oz. can of mandarin oranges, and instead of distilled white vinegar I used lime juice (but I scaled it back to 1/2 c. since lime juice has a very distinct flavor). And guess what! It was delish! This was my first time making it, so if it's better with pineapple and vinegar, we don't know the difference. But this was was reeeeeaaaallllly good. I served it over rice with Hawaiian rolls and salad. Perfection, or as close as we get in our house.
Bottom line - when things get sticky, call in the substitutes!

I keep having ideas run through my head about posts I could put on my "Sticky" blog, so it's time to bust them out. I hope you're ready, I mean really ready...for real this time!