
For real this time...

Once again we're back to the point where I tell you I'm TERRIBLE at keeping a journal, a blog, writing letters, etc. And as you can tell, it's 100% true. I mean, I've had this blog for over 2 years and have only had 2 posts. So one a year...I don't think that's a good thing.

BUUUUT...now I have a baby (yes, a lot has happened in the past two years!) and I'm way more focused on the importance of keeping records. So I'm thinking that maybe third time's a charm with this blog thing. Here's to hoping.
My little Lydia. Isn't she perfect?!
Here's a sticky recipe for ya! It's my adaptation of this recipe for some super yummy Hawaiian meatballs. However, as I started making it, I realized I didn't have any canned pineapple OR distilled white vinegar -- two very key ingredients. Since I had already started prepping and had no backup plan, I had to move forward. Now that's a sticky situation! I had to get creative. In place of the pineapple I used a 15 oz. can of mandarin oranges, and instead of distilled white vinegar I used lime juice (but I scaled it back to 1/2 c. since lime juice has a very distinct flavor). And guess what! It was delish! This was my first time making it, so if it's better with pineapple and vinegar, we don't know the difference. But this was was reeeeeaaaallllly good. I served it over rice with Hawaiian rolls and salad. Perfection, or as close as we get in our house.
Bottom line - when things get sticky, call in the substitutes!

I keep having ideas run through my head about posts I could put on my "Sticky" blog, so it's time to bust them out. I hope you're ready, I mean really ready...for real this time!


Avoiding Sticky Situations - Solution Food Storage

Well, I told you from the start that I'm not very good at blogging. So it's been a while since my first and last post, but I'm still trying.

I've been working on food storage for a while now, building up to the one-year supply. But recently it's hit home even harder than usual. With all of the devastation going on from earthquakes around the world, I've realized the real importance of preparing a one-year supply of food storage for my family. I've also been discussing the topic with some friends at work, and they asked me for some resources. I found some great ones.

Emergencies definitely count as sticky situations, but preparing ahead of time with food storage and emergency kits can make those stick situations much easier to bear. So I figured I'd share some resources with all of you (although I don't even know if anyone's reading this yet). That way we can beat these sticky situations together!

About.com found some fantastic resources for food storage. Go to www.about.com and type in "food storage." The first site to show up is a food storage calculator where you enter the number of people in your family, and it calculates the amounts you'd need of certain foods to fee your family for a full year. AWESOME! There are also articles for emergency preparedness, meal planning, etc.

I love this one because it's SO practical, something I desperately need... www.everydayfoodstorage.net teaches you not only what is needed for food storage, but also how to cook with your food storage items. I think that's a part we often miss. We load up on all these great item
s that will practically last forever, but we never use them because we don't know what to do with them. This blog will take care of that with some of the most delicious recipes!

Safely Gathered In (http://safelygatheredin.blogspot.com/) has a variety of articles from planning a 3-month or a long-term food supply to emergency car kits, water storage, and emergency preparedness, etc. There’s a food storage inventory list, 3-month meal calendars, etc. One-Stop Food Storage Shop is what I would call this blog.

And if you have any others, I'd love to know about them!


Embracing All Things Sticky

Well, I've decided to give the blogging world a try. I love to write, so naturally I feel like I'm supposed to be blogging. I'm not sure how good I'll be since I don't really have a consistent time where I can just sit and write, but we all have to start somewhere I guess.

My vision for this blog is to start embracing the stickiness of life - sticky situations, sticky hands, gum sticking to my shoe... everything that makes us crazy. If it's going to happen anyway, I might as well laugh about it and share the craziness with whomever is willing to read. I'll give weekly "sticky" recipes, share my sticky stories and post pictures of all the stickiness.
